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Commission Queen: Manifesting in Real Estate

Commission Queen: Manifesting in Real Estate

Hosted by: Commission Queen

Commission Queen is for women real estate agents that are craving success and want to do things differently than what the industry tells you do (read: no more door-knocking, cold calling or endless working hours). We...

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93. No One Is Going To Save You

What are your excuses costing you? Database to Deals: 10 Days to Turn Your Database From Dead Into A Deal & Dollar Making Machine Rich & Referred Membership
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92. How & Why I Started Flying First Class

How I went from flying the cheapest option possible to flying first class and why! Join Rich & Referred!
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91. Stop Being Salesy - The Anti Sales Method

If you're afraid to be salesy...or if you ARE salesy...listen to this episode to discover The Anti Sales Sales Methods! Get sales and be successful in real estate without being salesy. Β  Join Rich & Referred!
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90. 3 Secrets of the Rich

Learn these 3 secrets of the rich and start using them in your own life! Join Rich & Referred
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89. Manifest in 24 Hours or Less

I manifested something huge in less than 24 hours, listen to today's episode to find out how! Rate and review the podcast, screenshot your review and send to [email protected]Β and we'll send you my money...
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88. I Have a Confession to Make

I have a confession to make...Listen in! Join Rich & Referred
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87. Words Are Good, Your Vibes Are Better

Why do affirmations not work sometimes? If you've been saying the same affirmation for years now and nothing seems to work... Let's talk about it! Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Bekkah Get your free ticket for Real...
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Real Estate Meditation For Success and Ideal Clients

Realtors: Listen to this meditation for success in real estate and magnetizing ideal clients. Join Rich & Referred
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86. Glow Up Season Is Here

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85. Use Netflix Marketing

Old school marketing tactics are dying and it's time to use modern marketing techniques. Learn how to use Netflix Marketing in your real estate business. Apply to work 1:1 with Bekkah to create your Custom Success...
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84. Better Transactions By Doing This

If your transactions feel bumpy and anything but smooth, easy and enjoyable - do this!
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83. Win the Real Estate Game

Release the pressure of real estate and turn it into a game! Play to WIN the real estate game!! Join Rich & Referred Membership
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