The Client Magnet Method

The Client Magnet Method is about working with your strengths, values and goals in mind to create a business SO ALIGNED that it feels effortless.

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REALTORS! How would it feel to work with your strengths, values, and goals in mind to create a business SO ALIGNED that it feels effortless?

A.K.A.: Getting ideal clients consistently, making a lot of money, and enjoying it. :)

Pretty amazing, right?!!


There are A MILLION ways to get business, and every single one of them will be wildly successful for someone, but not all of them will be wildly successful for you.⁣

You see so many succeeding. Getting leads like crazy and they even seem to love the process. ⁣
You try to replicate their lead generating system. ⁣
Even though you don’t enjoy it, you stay consistent, because you know that’s important. ⁣
For some reason, while you’re doing what they’re doing, it’s not working. ⁣
So you try something else, and something else, and something else. You either hated it or it didn’t seem to work. ⁣
It actually is working for you. You’re getting business, but you’re still not enjoying the process. ⁣
In both scenarios, you’re left feeling a little defeated. Like, maybe it would just be easier to get a “regular” job, although the thought of that is even more horrible. ⁣
You so badly desire the freedom, flexibility and lifestyle that you know you can have with real estate - you just don’t know how to get it. ⁣
If you love this business, I want you in it.  ⁣
If you love it, you’re meant for it - we just have to find out YOUR way. ⁣
If you tried a technique that works for thousands of people and it didn’t work for you - that doesn’t make you a failure, less or not good enough. ⁣
You are so worthy, so deserving and more than enough.  ⁣
In The Client Magnet Method, we focus on your specific strengths to help you create the most enjoyable and aligned way for you to get business.

In the Client Magnet Method: learn how to work less and create a consistent flow of leads that turn into clients!

What we'll cover inside the course:

  • Alignment Vs. Out of Alignment
  • Your values & how they affect you
  • Your Goals & how to align them
  • Finding Your Strengths & how to use them
  • Choosing Your Money Making Activities
  • Creating Your Alignment Strategy Plan
  • Choosing, Attracting & Creating Ideal Clients
  • Getting Referrals!

You'll also get an Alignment Strategy Planner pdf to fill out electronically or print out to keep you on track!!


Who is The Client Magnet Method for? The real estate agent that:

  •  wants a consistent flow of leads
  • doesn't enjoy the lead generating that they do
  • isn't getting the results they want from their lead generating
  • needs help staying consistent in lead generating
  • desires more flexibility and freedom in their schedule
  • wants to create a plan to hit their goals that doesn't include working more

The Client Magnet Method



  • The Client Magnet Method Training 
  • Lifetime Access to Content
  • Alignment Strategy Planner PDF
  • Sales Generating Playbook PDF

Get Ready!!

This is an ACTIVE course.

You'll not only be learning a lot of great things to better your life and business, but you'll also be doing the activities right along with me!

Have your pen, notebook, and workbook at the ready.

Sign me up NOW!