Welcome to the Commission Queen podcast.
Commission Queen is for women real estate agents that are craving success and want
to do things differently.
We talk all things manifesting, money, and of course, real estate.
I'm your host, Becca Marie, and just like you, I'm a real estate agent.
I went from struggling to get clients to making over six figures consistently while
working 15 hours or less each week.
And now I coach women like you on how to do the same.
Listen for real life examples and tips in every episode on how to massively
increase your income and find your freedom with ease.
You're here because you're ready to change your life, your business, and your financial status.
So let's do it.
Hello, gorgeous queens.
Welcome back to the Manifesting in Real Estate podcast.
Last week, we talked about the energy of attracting luxury listings, luxury clients.
If you have been working to raise your average sales price or if you just want to
start niching in the luxury real estate space or a specific neighborhood that has
those higher-end homes and you just want to start seeing more of those in your closings,
in your pipelines,
This is the series for you.
So go back and listen to part one where we talk about the energy because it is so, so important.
I talked about that first because I really like to put the energy part first.
If we don't have that on lock, the strategy is not going to work.
I believe in energy plus strategy in everything.
So if the energy is not right, then we can't go forward with the strategy yet.
So get your energy right.
And then let's move forward with the strategy.
In the last episode,
we talked about getting really familiar with the area that you would like to start
selling homes in.
And it's maybe even the area that you yourself see your dream life, your dream house in.
So start to align with that.
Start to really get to know it.
And just being in that area, you will start to get to know the people.
You'll start to get to know all of the places.
I want you to start to feel like you really know this place,
just like you know your home and your own neighborhood.
And it is really important for this, pick a specific area.
you may be thinking i don't care what area i just want to start seeing luxury homes
and there's so many different areas i could choose from pick your favorite pick the
one that you really enjoy being around and the one that you're going to be most
interested in like i said that's why it's really important to even see yourself
living there when manifesting we know that what we focus on grows so when we start
to focus our energy on this area
This is how we're attracting those clients.
And I love seeing students do this because it will show up in that specific area.
You'll be like, okay, wait a second.
I've never had a client.
I've never had a lead or anything in this area.
And all of a sudden, when you start focusing on it, you will start to receive them.
So it's important to have clarity and you're giving the universe clarity on where
you want to start seeing your next closings.
Now here's the strategy piece.
become the expert in that area.
Even just with yourself, start getting all the knowledge that you can about that area.
Go to your MLS and put a search for that area,
for that neighborhood,
so that you know every single home that's coming on the market,
you know every single home that is going under contract,
that is selling,
how much it's selling for,
and start running
CMAs for these properties so you begin to see the patterns you begin to see how are
the other agents pricing these properties how are the buyers seeing these
properties and what did they end up selling for you do want to choose an area that
is going to be pretty large so depending on you know each market is different
Sometimes it's what we call a neighborhood.
Sometimes it's actually a whole entire city or a suburb.
So pick something that is going to have a good amount of homes that are coming on
the market because we also want to see you going to those open houses,
going to the showings if you can,
and doing open houses yourself for those properties.
Then I want you to be talking about it.
I want you to be showing up and talking about this area and how you're becoming the expert.
You don't have to say I'm the expert, but just start to show up.
Start to share the stats that you're learning.
Start to share the new homes that are coming on the market, the ones that are closing.
Start to share the videos of the properties that you're going to or the videos of
the open houses that you're going to or the ones that you're doing.
Share facts about the area.
Share the favorite parks that you love in the area,
the favorite stores,
coffee shops,
Start to share those things on social media as many places as you can.
i know a lot of agents think instagram facebook tick tock and they forget about
youtube i actually would like you to show up on youtube and that would be one of
the top ones that i would recommend that you show up on why because it is
searchable so when people are searching on google youtube is going to show up right
whatever you're putting on instagram and facebook is not really showing up
sometimes tick tock is getting better at showing up on google so that's good news
so maybe tick tock would be the next best thing although who knows with everything
that's going on with tick tock if you want to put all your eggs in that back basket
i would not recommend right now but youtube is really where
Your content, everything that you're putting on is going to have the longest life.
So it doesn't matter when you post it,
when people are searching for the area,
your stuff is going to show up.
So while all of this is great for visibility,
you're also doing it so that you feel even more confident with being that luxury
real estate agent or being the right agent for these homes that are in this higher
price point.
Even if you have never sold a home in that area or you've never even sold a home at
that price point,
doesn't matter.
You are becoming the expert.
And the more and more that you do the teaching,
you do the work,
you continue to focus on that,
it will feel so natural when you get a lead or you get a client or a referral for
the area.
You're going to feel like, of course I can do this.
And that's the energy piece again,
because we have this resistance,
even though you think to yourself,
I would love to have so many listings in that area,
it would be amazing.
But there's actually this subconscious resistance if you don't feel aligned with it,
if you don't feel worthy of it,
like it would be scary and unknown territory.
So that's why we're familiarizing ourselves with the area, the homes, the market,
everything so that you feel so good it feels 100 natural when the leads start to
come in next on the strategy you are going to find something that you can join
something that you can go to on a regular basis where you start to get to know the
people in that area and if you can't find anything to join
you can't find any classes or workout classes or networking events or anything like that,
you are going to start it.
Start an interest-based club.
If you want it to be networking, it can be that.
If you want it to be small businesses and entrepreneurs getting together to chat,
if you want it to be a wine club or a card club or just a walking group,
something that you're going to enjoy,
that is authentic to you and you're finding more and more people that are going to
relate to you because they like those things as well in that area so you're going
to list it as that area a great way to do this is through facebook groups but if
you feel like blah facebook groups are kind of getting old school then you can also
go to eventbrite that's a really easy free way to get out
the info and invite people so there's also meetup i mean there's so many different
ways that you could do this but go on those sites too and search for the different
things that you can join and different events that you can go to and then if you
can't find any start your own and it doesn't have to be something that is all the
time it doesn't have to be every week it could be once a month you'll be getting to
know these people they'll be getting to know you
probably add you on your social media and start to see all of that content you're
going to be putting out of you being obviously the expert in that area and if you
feel like you're really authentically getting to know them you can add them to your
database and have events where you're inviting them and your other past clients
and your friends and your family when you start to have those like client
appreciation events they would be a great one to invite you can even do an event in
that area for the neighbors of that market so it could be something that's at a
local park it could be something that is at a local business but you're inviting
all of the people in that area
You would do that through the same thing like that Eventbrite is great to do that.
Also running a Facebook ad to that Eventbrite or whatever type of page that you create for it.
Having a flyer that you send out, having a flyer put up at the small businesses.
So there's a lot of ways to get the info out and invite people.
for those types of events,
sometimes they can be really big and sometimes not that many people show up to them.
But if you know that you've done the work in getting the word out,
just the fact that you've done that and people have been seeing your name,
they've been seeing that you're hosting this event.
And then if you continue to do it a couple of times a year, they're really going to get used to
seeing your name, and it's obvious that you work in the area and for those people.
So even if they have never met you or have shown up to your events or anything like that,
they can still reach out to you because they have started to get to know you and
see you as the realtor for that area.
Now, who should you be networking with?
For the higher end price point,
there's a couple of different people or professions that I would say are great ones
to network with.
One is going to be financial advisors, CPAs, accountants, interior designers,
Great one.
Definitely a great one.
Lawyers and estate planners.
For these professions,
a majority of them,
not all of them,
but a majority of their business is usually higher end clientele.
When you start to do your research of the homes in the market that are coming on
and that have been on in the past,
you'll start to see a pattern of what builders seem to be in that area.
Reach out to those builders.
especially if they are custom builders or smaller builders,
a lot of times they don't have a specific realtor or they're open to having new
realtors as well.
So reach out to them.
It does not hurt to get your name in their hands.
if you can really make a good connection with one of those builders that would be
awesome because they may have model homes that you can sit open you know that you
can show regularly and so that is an awesome contact to have especially if they
continue to work with you don't just assume because they're a builder and they have
clients and they make these beautiful homes that they have a specific realtor or
that they're not open to working with other realtors
Let them know that you would love to work with them and offer them value.
Ask how you can help.
One more we talked a little bit about in the last episode is having a brand that
you feel good about.
To align yourself with luxury clients, raise that bar for your brand as well.
Create a brand that feels more luxury.
And I think most importantly of all is always treat your clients like luxury clients.
It does not matter.
what price point they are at always treat them like a luxury client and act as if
you are that luxury realtor for them going above and beyond for your clients this
will make the biggest difference in just how you are interacting with your clients
but how your clients think about you how your clients are going to refer you and
when they're ready to move again when they're ready to sell and buy again
They are going to come back to you because they are going to remember that luxury
experience and how well you took care of them.
And right now your clients may not be millionaires.
They may not be buying the most high-end home,
but it is highly possible that they will end up doing that or that they know
somebody that will too.
And you want to get those referrals from them as well.
I always say you'll make the gold when you treat people like gold.
people will remember how they felt with you i remember my first couple of years in
real estate when i was on the team i told you a little bit about it in the last
episode about how my average sales price was like 125 i mean it was low low low i
barely ever got a client that was over 200 000 i mean 200 000 was huge to me 300
000 was major and 400 000 was massive
So for the first couple of years,
I worked with clients that were very first-time homebuyers and definitely on a budget.
And that budget being $100,000, $125,000, $150,000.
And I remember my team lead saying to me, I love how you treat people.
You don't treat the lower end price points any different than you do the higher ones.
And I just remember thinking like,
of course,
why would I treat the lower end price points any differently?
These are my clients.
They have entrusted me to take care of them and help them through this process.
And it's a big process.
It's a big deal for no matter who it is and no matter how much money they're spending.
It's still, in most cases, people's greatest expense.
Of course, I am going to treat them in the best way possible.
And that philosophy has helped me grow to where my business is, was 100% referral based.
Now my clients take care of me because I took care of them.
And a big reason that my average sales price has also risen is because a lot of
those clients did end up selling and then buying a home that was significantly
higher than their previous home.
So even if you feel like you're in first-time homebuyer land,
enjoy it,
treat your clients like gold,
and remember that they will come back to you and those referrals will come back to you.
All right,
I gave you a lot of tips and a lot of action steps to take on energy and the
strategy of attracting those luxury listings or higher end price points and clients
So go out, manifest, sell real estate, repeat.
Thank you so much for joining me for another episode.
Gratitude and Abundance Queens.
Thank you so much for joining me today.
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