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Let's Talk Manifesting!

Hey Queens!

If you've been following my IG stories over the last couple of weeks, you know by now that I have made May the "Month of Manifesting". 

So in honor of #ManfiestingMay, let's chat about Manifesting!!

Manifesting in the simplest terms is this: Creating your reality. 

A lot of people think manifesting has to be this super "woo-woo" practice. Really, though, it can be as woo-woo (or not) as you'd like it to be. It's all about what you feel works best for you, what you feel comfortable with, what feels fun for you, etc.

Let's get one thing clear about manifesting: we are always - always - manifesting.

There are two types of manifesting, however:

1. Active Manifestation: this is when you are actively aware of what you are creating.

2. Passive Manifestation: this is when you are NOT actively aware/conscious of what you are creating.

The goal is always to be actively manifesting your desired reality.

This consists of becoming aware of:

- Your Patterns, Programming and...

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